
A wide variety of special National Astronomy Week events will be happening across the UK throughout the week. Search the map to find events near you.

Look out for telescope nights, our Catching the Moon planetarium show, storytelling, online events, and more. Many events are still being confirmed, so check back here closer to date for full event listings and information.

If you are running an event, tell us about it so we can include on our website. Fill in this form and our partner at Go Stargazing will do the rest.

Can’t wait to get out under that sky? Check out the Go Stargazing website for stargazing events currently happening around the country.

Children observing with binoculars
That first look through binoculars or telescope can be a life changing experience – to realise your place in the Universe Photo: Mark Wiggin

Events are entirely the responsibility of the event organisers. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, the organiser is not National Astronomy Week itself. Please contact event hosts directly for queries relating to bookings, payment, accessibility, and health and safety.

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